'Y') $logged_in = false; } $action = $_REQUEST["action"]; $db_action = $_REQUEST["db_action"]; switch($db_action){ case 'insert': // insert the text etc... $sql = "insert into forum_topic (title, content, date, author, last_updated, image_caption) values ("; $sql .= "'".mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_REQUEST["title"])."',"; $sql .= "'".mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_REQUEST["content"])."',"; $sql .= "'".$today."',"; $sql .= "'".mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_SESSION["ScreenName"])."',"; $sql .= "'".$today."',"; $sql .= "'".mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_REQUEST["image_caption"])."'"; $sql .= ")"; $result = @mysqli_query($con, $sql); $id = @mysqli_insert_id($con); // get image data $maxsize = '300000'; if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])){ $UPLOAD = TRUE; // get extension.. $ext_array = explode(".",$_FILES['image']['name']); $ext = strtoupper($ext_array[1]); if($ext == 'JPG' || $ext = 'JPEG'){ $ext = 'JPG'; } elseif($ext <> 'GIF' || $ext <> 'PNG'){ $UPLOAD = FALSE; } if($UPLOAD){ // check the file is less than the maximum file size if($_FILES['image']['size'] < $maxsize){ // prepare the image for insertion $imgData =addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])); // get the image info.. $size = getimagesize($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']); $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; } else{ $fail_message = "Image exceeded 200k Maximum."; $action = 'edit'; break; } } // do the image update... $sql = "UPDATE forum_topic SET ext = '". $ext ."', width = '" . $width ."', height = '" . $height . "', image = '".$imgData ."'" . " WHERE id = " . $id; $request = @mysqli_query($con, $sql); } if($fail_message == ''){ print ""; print ""; print ""; exit(0); } break; } $page_name = 'post_topic'; ?>
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